March 14, 2019
The Polka Dot Stairway
Hi Lovelies,
I was recently chatting about the house and our polka dot stairs and realised that I hadn't wrote about them in the blog! I know, it's terrible. Who knew that starting a family and moving a shop was a time consuming activity? I'm as shocked as anyone!
Anyway, this here is the tale of our polka dot stairway.
A while ago, when I had the time to luxuriate on Pinterest - I came across the most arresting image (below on the left). I thought it bold and daring and I was determined to do something similar in our house.

Our recent renovations presented the perfect opportunity - the back hall! The hall is nice and compact and I thought the space would really lend itself to a bright yellow - so we starting buying yellow paint samples. Like a lot of paint samples. I liked some, the Bear like some but we didn't LOVE any. After months of looking and staring at the random sample paints on the wall, we decided we were just going to buy a yellow paint - I think we had decided Cyber Yellow from Pantone was the colour for us so off we went to our local paint place MRCB and asked for it in a paint suitable for the walls and doors and floors. And of course - this was not possible. They couldn't provide the yellow as a floor paint - something to do with the 'rights' or something ...I'm still very unclear on this but it meant that we had to keep looking. We chose another yellow and went to another paint place - we were told the same thing, so we kept driving and kept looking and finally found ourselves in Stillorgan Decor. They had loads of cool paint brands to chose from and after more deliberation, we went with the Circle Line yellow from Mylands of London which was available as a wall paint AND a floor paint. We had our paint ...and after six coats (no seriously, yellow is not great for coverage) we had ourselves a yellow hall. A very yellow hall.
It took a few days to get used to it but I still felt there was something not quite right - black and yellow look great together but there was a disconnect here. It needed something and then I remembered this GLORIOUS polka dot wallpaper that I had come across that would tie E V E R Y T H I N G together but after measuring the walls and checking the price of the wallpaper - it was a no-go.
So we decided to just do it ourselves. Do what you ask? Paint the dots.
I wanted the dots to be random, non-uniform and have a 'painted' look to them so we bought two brushes and just started. The little one had just gone down for a nap and we took the half hour window and went at it. Painting the first dot was the scariest but after a few we got into the swing of things and I love the final look.
Yes it's quite out there and certainly won't be for everyone but we love it - the hall is like a ray of chic sunshine each morning when we get up and I'm quite chuffed that we embraced something this mental.
What do you think?
S x